Motore Italia Awards 2023: winning of the “Innovation” award

Thanks to the support of SolidWorld Group S.p.A.,, we have obtained the award in the "Innovation" category within the format "Motore Italia Toscana Awards 2023 - Le eccellenze regionali nell'industria e nei servizi". The award ceremony was held on Thursday 23 November 2023 in Florence, at the Cinema Astra, on the sidelines of the eighth leg of the 2023 tour of "Motore Italia"Class Editori’s initiative dedicated to excellent small and medium-sized enterprises designed to enhance the fundamental role of local SMEs in the economic and social fabric of the country. The award, in recognition of companies in the Tuscany region that have achieved excellent results in the last year, was awarded with the following motivation: "For having developed the Electrospider printer the first in the world able to print human tissues and organs from living cells, making a huge contribution to regenerative surgery". Electrospider, in fact, is an innovative multi-scale and multi-material 3D bioprinting platform that is able for the first time to generate 3D cell constructs with the heterogeneity and complex topology of human tissues. Aurora De Acutis, President of Bio3DPrinting: It is a great pride for us all to have received this important award dedicated to the field of innovative entrepreneurship. An award that demonstrates the goodness of the partnership between research, the world of universities and entrepreneurship, to revolutionize the field of biomedical engineering with cutting-edge technology designed at the Università di Pisa, on the basis of research conducted at the E. Piaggio center of the university, and subsequently industrialized in the company. In particular, Electrospider is today the only additive solution in the world that, starting from the patient’s cells, is able to recreate parts of tissue and cellular constructs at the base of organic structures. A fundamental innovation in supporting both cosmetic, pharmacological and oncological research and the vaccine and care sector»
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